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How to Verify a Professional's License in Fayetteville?

Professionals in Fayetteville are licensed by one of the 32 licensing boards established by the North Carolina Professional Corporation Act. When executing projects in Fayetteville, employing licensed professionals is one way to ensure good service delivery. You may confirm if a Fayetteville professional is licensed by calling the North Carolina Consumer Complaint Division on (919) 716-6000. Another way to find out if a professional is licensed is by contacting the licensing board or visiting the license verification portal of the board that licenses that professional. For example, if the professional you wish to verify is an engineer, you can verify their license by visiting the license verification portal of the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors'. Similarly, if the professional is a building or home improvement-related contractor, this professional's license may be verified by contacting the North Carolina Licensing Board for General Contractors at (919) 571-4183.

In some instances, executing certain projects may need you to satisfy additional city-level requirements. For example, building projects in Fayetteville often require permits that are issued by the Fayetteville Permitting and Inspections Department. To find out what permits may be needed for your project or to obtain these permits, you contact this department via email or by calling (910) 433-1753.

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Do Fayetteville Neighborhood Councils
Issue Permits?

There are nine council districts in Fayetteville, and the city's neighborhoods are spread out amongst these districts. The Fayetteville city council is the legislative body of the city and is made up of 10 people, one from each of the nine districts, and a mayor that is elected at large. You can find out what district your neighborhood belongs to using the district maps provided by the city. Information on council representatives of each district may also be located using the city's council members directory page.

Fayetteville neighborhood associations and other community groups do not have the authority to issue building or home improvement permits. Instead, these groups collaborate with other residents and city officials to help make their neighborhoods better and improve the conditions of living within such neighborhoods. On March 1, 2021, the Fayetteville city council gave approval for the start of renovation works on the City Hall. These renovations, which are to be completed by November 2021, are budgeted to cost $1million and will include upgrades to the Council Chambers, Cape Fear Room, and the Front Lobby. Similarly, in April 2021, new construction works were started on Hay Street with the removal of the crosswalk in front of City Hall and the laying of a new crosswalk leading to Hurley Way.

How to File an Unfair Business
Complaint in Fayetteville?

Unfair business complaints from Fayetteville may be filed with the Consumer Protection Division maintained by the North Carolina Department of Justice. These complaints, which can be made on the basis of scams, frauds, or other allegations of malpractice, can be filed by calling (877) 5-NO-SCAM. Alternatively, you can complete an online complaint form and attach supporting documents. It is important to note that this online form can only be accompanied by four supporting documents. If you have more than four supporting documents that you wish to attach, you will need to print the completed complaint form and send it alongside the other supporting documents to

  • 14 West Edenton Street
  • Raleigh, NC 27603

When the Consumer Protection Division receives a complaint, it is forwarded alongside all supporting documents to the business in question for a response. In some instances, your complaint may fall under the jurisdiction of another federal, state, or local agency and may be subsequently forwarded to that agency. Note that the Consumer Protection Division only serves as a mediator between both parties and cannot compel the business in question to resolve your claim in a particular manner or initiate legal proceedings on your behalf. Where you are unsatisfied with the handling of your complaint or do not receive a satisfactory resolution, you may visit a Cumberland County Courthouse to file a personal action.